• Case Studies

The 7 health checks we delay

Putting off your skin, eye, breast or prostate health check could increase your risk of…

  • Case Studies

Glaucoma not seen coming for Australia’s aging population

Diabetes, short sightedness and family history increases likelihood of developing this disease tenfold Leading doctor…

  • Case Studies

New data reveals: 1 in 3 Aussies with poor vision admit to reduced physical health and wellbeing

Over one in three Australians with sight problems may be the unhealthy and unhappy poor…

  • Case Studies

6 children’s habits that could harm their sight

Leading Australian eye doctors say too much screen time could pose the biggest threat to…

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  • News & Events

The most personalised vision yet Introducing Contoura™ Vision topography-guided LASIK

Vision specialists PersonalEYES has acquired a ground-breaking technology (more…)

  • Blog

Do I Have Cataracts?

Problems with your vision are often associated with the aging process. Cataracts are a natural…

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What to Consider Before Laser Vision Correction

If you’re considering laser vision correction, LASIK surgery is one of the most successful and…

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At What Age Do Cataracts Develop?

Most patients become aware of cataracts after the age of 60. However, cataracts start developing…

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Children’s Eyes – Vision vs Eyesight

There are fundamental differences between vision and eyesight, although most people tend to think of…

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5 Facts About Age-Related Macular Degeneration

If you suffer from AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration), you may know a lot about what…