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Five Foods for Healthy Eyes

When you're looking for tips to take care of your eyes, a healthy diet is…

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Looking at the Future

Bionic eyes might sound like something out of science fiction. Along with robot butlers, flying…

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Advice is important when deciding on surgery

When considering laser eye surgery, the best thing you can do is talk to a…

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Healthy Breakfast Leads to Healthy Eyes

It's often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy…

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Two in five Australians losing sight of eye health

Two in five Australian adults are not getting their eyes checked as often as they…

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Sunlight a solution for children’s eye health

If you want your child to have healthy eyesight in the long term, look to…

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Laser eye surgery: like a piece of cake

There's one question people ask me almost every day in my work as an ophthalmologist.…

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Test Your Eyes Today with our Online Snellen Chart

When was the last time you had your eyes tested? If you're anything like most…

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Cold Comfort for Olympic Skier

Hot on the heels of the recent Winter Olympics in Socchi, American skier and gold…

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Laser Precision for Cataracts

Cataract removal has come a long way from when incisions were made using hand-held tools.…