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Men Singled Out

Getting men to give more consideration to their health has been a medical challenge over the last few years. The good news is that they have listened and are

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Don’t Lose Your Two Best Friends

Age Related Macular Degeneration is an extremely invasive medical condition which can drastically impair vision. It affects older adults and the central vision is profoundly affected.  The devastating nature

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Laser Precision for Cataracts

Cataract removal has come a long way from when incisions were made using hand-held tools. And the patient is the beneficiary! Now, surgery can be performed with the precision

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Cold Comfort for Olympic Skier

Hot on the heels of the recent Winter Olympics in Socchi, American skier and gold medal hopeful Bode Miller admitted that his poor vision was partially to blame for

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Test Your Eyes Today with our Online Snellen Chart

When was the last time you had your eyes tested? If you’re anything like most people, it can be hard to find the time to find a nearby optometrist

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Laser eye surgery: like a piece of cake

There’s one question people ask me almost every day in my work as an ophthalmologist. Time and again, prospective patients want to know what’s better for cataracts: traditional surgery

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Sunlight a solution for children’s eye health

If you want your child to have healthy eyesight in the long term, look to the sun. Researchers at the University of Sydney have found that exposure to sunshine

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Two in five Australians losing sight of eye health

Two in five Australian adults are not getting their eyes checked as often as they should, according to a poll conducted by the Royal Australian & New Zealand College

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Healthy Breakfast Leads to Healthy Eyes

It’s often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy brekky can kickstart both your morning and your metabolism, making eating breakfast one of

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Advice is important when deciding on surgery

When considering laser eye surgery, the best thing you can do is talk to a laser eye surgeon. Though this might sound obvious, a recent survey report by the

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Contact us

Please contact us for any types of enquiries, we're positive we can help you gain better sight. Don't let distance stand in the way of your new world of vision. Ask about our special overseas and interstate travel packages.

If you want to directly book a consultation please use the booking form.