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Looking at the Future

Bionic eyes might sound like something out of science fiction. Along with robot butlers, flying cars and time machines, bionic eyes exist purely in the imagination, awaiting a more

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Five Foods for Healthy Eyes

When you’re looking for tips to take care of your eyes, a healthy diet is a common suggestion. But which foods should we be tucking into if we want

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A Drop of Hope for AMD Sufferers

Recent laboratory tests have found a possible treatment for people suffering from age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The tests, undertaken at the Washington University School of Medicine, found that certain

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Does Private Health Insurance Cover Laser Eye Surgery?

Though the initial cost of laser eye surgery can seem high, it is possible to use private health cover to reduce the cost. Of course, this is entirely dependent

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Cataract Surgery – Getting it Done Wright

One of Britain’s most well-known television celebrities, Matthew Wright, has rediscovered the joys of clear vision. After nearly two years of cataract-clouded eyes, the presenter of The Wright Stuff

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A Closer Look at Cataracts

What are cataracts, and how are they caused? Contrary to popular belief, a cataract is not a film over the surface of the eye. It is, in fact, a

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Eyes on the Ball

We recently ran an article on the PersonalEYES blog discussing professional golfer Sergio Garcia’s decision to undergo laser eye surgery. As it turns out, Garcia is just one of

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The Flap: It’s Open & Shut!

If you have contemplated LASIK eye surgery, you might have read about or heard doctors refer to ‘the flap’. This curiously unscientific sounding term refers to an important part

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World Glaucoma Week

In an effort to raise awareness about glaucoma, ‘the silent thief of sight,” this year March 10 to 16 will be World Glaucoma Week. Through a series of events

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How Long Does LASIK Last?

For many people with eyesight problems, the appeal of laser eye surgery is that it allows them to cast aside their glasses, to see themselves and be seen by

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Please contact us for any types of enquiries, we're positive we can help you gain better sight. Don't let distance stand in the way of your new world of vision. Ask about our special overseas and interstate travel packages.

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