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KAMRA® Corneal Inlay Utilizes Camera Technology to Sharpen and Clear Blurry Near Vision for Patients

AcuFocus, Inc. developed the KAMRA® corneal inlay using the fundamentals of pinhole photography to focus rays of light onto the retina bringing the world back into clear and continuous focus from near

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The Many Facets of Glaucoma

Dr. Simon Skalicky and Clin A/Prof Andrew White Glaukos iStent Evolving research into glaucoma is improving diagnosis and management for our glaucoma patients. Significant advances in glaucoma detection and

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Alcon survey reveals that people are happier and more satisfied with their lives after cataract surgery

Newly released survey findings shed light on the daily challenges associated with cataracts and the emotional benefits of improved vision after surgery. Nearly all survey respondents said they would

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Pioneering surgery is no spectacle

The concept is long beyond novel, but lasers are putting on a show in these theatres. Laser eye surgery to correct vision impairment is one of the most popular

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The Fat Professor: Eye Health and Low Carb, Healthy Fat Diets

Professor Grant Schofield, affectionately known as The Fat Professor   We are all told that we should be advising our diabetic patients to eat a healthier diet, one that

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Kicking Bad Habits to keep your Vision Sharper, Longer

Want to maintain good vision? Well, here’s what the doctors suggest for keeping your eyes as healthy as possible…

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Don’t put off eye checks

Decline in vision is common from our midlife onwards and may prompt us to go and get our eyes checked out. Overall, it is estimated that 70% of sight

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12 Things Your Eyes Are Trying to Tell You About Your Health

Eyes aren’t just the window to your soul — they also offer a glimpse into your health. Changes in your eyes can signal vision problems, diabetes, stress, even retinal

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Combating eye strain in the workplace: eye-opening stats

Many employers are turning a blind eye to eyes in the workplace and Australia’s leading optometrists are warning employers that they could be losing thousands from decreased productivity, with

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Jeepers creepers, look after those peepers

Your diet directly affects the quality of your tears – and good tears make for sparkly eyes. Did you know you have three different kinds of tears and your

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Please contact us for any types of enquiries, we're positive we can help you gain better sight. Don't let distance stand in the way of your new world of vision. Ask about our special overseas and interstate travel packages.

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