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Eye Tattoos – Today Tonight Perth

Dr Bala from personalEYES on Channel 7’s Today Tonight, discusses the potential risks of eye tattoos – where ink is placed under the eye membrane to colour the whites

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Dr Bala and Joan on Seven News

Dr Chandra Bala will be on Channel Seven news tonight talking about a new implantable lens that could see an end to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Dr Bala was

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LASIK eye surgery helping people in Australia to throw away their glasses

Over 20 million people worldwide have enjoyed improved eyesight in the two decades since LASIK has been available. While early patients celebrate 20 years of clear vision (see Suzy

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Life Before Visian ICL

This Visian ICL consumer video features real people discussing their vision problems and experiences with glasses and contact lenses before they had their Visian ICL surgery.

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Visian ICL Benefits

Visian ICL is another treatment option to laser which gives better quality vision. Watch this video of patients discussing the benefits.

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Ophthalmology Specialists on the Future of Cataract Surgery

Following our recent interview with Dr Jose Luis Guell, we talked to another two major figures that appeared on this year’s RANZCO congress. We are honored to present the

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5 Trends in Cataract Surgery for 2015: Interview with Dr José Luis Güell

At the recent 46th RANZCO Scientific Congress in Brisbane, one of the most influential ophthalmology specialists today, Dr José Luis Güell, presented his current research to more than 1300

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Please contact us for any types of enquiries, we're positive we can help you gain better sight. Don't let distance stand in the way of your new world of vision. Ask about our special overseas and interstate travel packages.

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