Cold Comfort for Olympic Skier

Hot on the heels of the recent Winter Olympics in Socchi, American skier and gold medal hopeful Bode Miller admitted that his poor vision was partially to blame for his lacklustre performance.

Finishing a disappointing 8th in the men’s downhill event, Mr. Miller regretted not undergoing a LASIK eye surgery procedure that was previously scheduled – then cancelled, citing training schedule clashes. This outcome should encourage those with impaired vision to not put off corrective surgery.

There are millions of people currently living with vision impairments that don’t have to, and it really is just a matter of a quick 20-minute procedure. More often than not, and in situations like with Bode Miller, people regret not undergoing the procedure when they could have, so their vision would have been ideal when they really needed it the most.

In an interview after falling short of his downhill medal, Miller told reporters that his LASIK vision procedure was scheduled for earlier in the year, but at the time, his racing schedule took priority. On the day of the race, his impaired vision prevented him from reading upcoming terrain correctly with the cloud cover creating flat or low contrast light.

Dr. Kerrie Meades, from personalEYES, noted that while most people won’t be missing out on a gold medal due to their poor vision, it certainly can be a matter of work performance, lifestyle enjoyment, or even safety in extreme cases. From everyday tasks like driving, to extreme sports, vision is a critical element to ensure accuracy and safety.

While many potential LASIK patients may be deterred from corrective surgery due to the perceived costs, what they don’t consider are the costs over a lifetime they will be saving by not having to purchase eyeglasses and contact lenses regularly. Dr Meades believes it would be extremely rare for any patient to ever regret spending the time or the funds to get LASIK eye surgery once they’ve experienced the results.

LASIK itself is a quick, outpatient procedure that can correct both eyes in less than an hour. Patients generally experience little to no pain or discomfort, and experience some blurry vision for a few days after the surgery. The eyes are generally completely healed after two weeks and the patient can start enjoying perfect vision.

To complete LASIK procedures, Dr. Meades and the surgeons at personalEyes use the latest laser technology to alter the shape of the eye, thus changing how the light is reflected in the eye to improve vision.

If you have any questions about Lasik procedures or other vision correction options, the staff at personalEYES will be happy to help out. To find out more information about what the surgical team offers to improve your eyesight please visit

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