Contoura® Vision

Topography of your eye. Unique as your fingerprint.

Contoura® Vision analyses topography maps of your cornea to design a customised vision correction treatment unique to you.

Contoura Vision Map

Contoura® Vision is the only treatment to precisely map 22,000 elevation points of the cornea to create a customised treatment unique to your vision correction. Irregular elevation points on the eye can disrupt the light entering your eye and prevent you from achieving optimal vision.

Open your eyes to a world without lenses

Contoura® Vision treatment is proven to reduce and even eliminate the need for corrective eyewear.1 Following your customised treatment not only will you be able to open your eyes each day to a world unrestricted by lenses* but you can also enjoy things like:

Open your eyes to 20/20 vision

20/20 Vision with Contoura Vision

In FDA Clinical Trials, 93% of the people who have undergone treatment using Contoura® Vision technology have achieved 20/20 vision or better; outperforming glasses and contact lenses 40%** of the time1.

Following treatment using Contoura® Vision technology, more than 98% of the patients were satisfied with their vision outcomes and would undergo the same treatment again. Most people achieve one line better than 20/20 on the eye chart with some achieving two lines better.1

* Duration and extent of vision improvement varies between patients
** Data based on the sum of the percentage BSCVA improvements of 1, 2 and greater than 2 lines post operatively
1. Reference: Results from FDA T-CAT-001 clinical study for topography-guided vision correction (with the 400 Hz ALLEGRETTO WAVE® Eye-Q Excimer Laser).

Come and talk to us to see if Contoura® Vision is right for you