IOL Intraocular Lens

Ever dreamt about turning back time and seeing clearly again? Have you imagined reading the paper, looking through a menu, or clearly seeing product labels, without the need for reading glasses?


The intraocular lens is an artifical lens. It is a transparent plastic disc with a similar shape to a natural lens. They are made of silicone, acrylic or PMMA, but other materials are under development.

The intraocular lens is designed to reside inside the eye and replaces your own natural lens because it has been clouded over by a cataract, or to change the eye’s optical power. IOL’s are often appropriate if you are not suitable for LASIK or ASLA.

Most IOLs are fixed monofocal lenses matched to distance vision. However, other types are available, such as bifocal or multi focal IOLs which provide focused vision at far and reading distance, and adaptive IOLs which provide the patient with limited visual accommodation.

The procedure can be done under local anaesthesia with the patient awake throughout the operation.

The surgical technique most commonly used is called Phacoemulsification Surgery or Small Insicion Cataract Surgery. Phacoemulsification is pronounced fay-ko-emul-sah-fah-kay-shun.

This procedure enables the removal of the cataract and implantation of the artificial lens through the mico incision (less than 3mm) and ensures little discomfort, a low chance of post-operative complications, fast healing time, and a quick return to normal activities.

  • Step 1 Once a small incision is made, a small tip is inserted to break the cataract into small fragments via ultrasonic vibration. These are then removed by suction via the incision.
  • Step 2 The artifical lens of choice is usually a foldable intraocular lens and can be folded to less than half its size, allowing insertion through the tiny incision. Once inserted, the lens unfolds to its normal full size. The incision is nomally so small that it often requires no stitches, or perhaps only one or two.
  • Step 3 After surgery the eye is covered with a shield for protection.

IOL Overview