Eye Specialists in the Sydney CBD

personalEYES is the leading clinic for laser eye surgery and eye specialists in Sydney CBD. Our experienced and distinguished team of eye surgeons and staff offer the latest in vision correction techniques and technology. Our eye specialists take the time to determine the technique that is best suited to your eyes, your health and your lifestyle.

Some of the services that we provide in the Sydney CBD are:

Eye Tests

You can take a comprehensive online eye test or visit us in the CBD for more information. Our experts can test your vision and provide treatment if necessary.

LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK is a life changing procedure that can correct common vision conditions like as myopiaastigmatism and hyperopia quickly and painlessly. There are many different options available for LASIK.

Cataract Eye Surgery

Cataracts are the most common forms of vision loss worldwide. Our surgeons at personalEYES in Sydney CBD perform cataract eye surgery to remove the cloudy film that hinders your vision and replace it with a new intraocular lens.

Macular Degeneration Treatment

Suffering from Macular Degeneration changes your whole life. Our specialised treatment can help you regain your ability to drive and read again, as well as recognise the faces of loved ones.

Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment

Individuals with diabetes are at high risk for developing retinopathy, which can permanently damage the retina. If you are at risk, take action early. Diabetic Retinopathy treatment can slow damage and prevent further vision loss.

Short Sightedness Treatment

Myopia, or short-sightedness, can be corrected with glasses, lenses or refractive surgery, like LASIK.

Keratoconus Treatment

Keratoconus is a progressive eye disease that causes a thinning of the cornea. Talk to us about Keratoconus treatment.

Contact our office in Sydney CBD for personalised treatment from the leading eye specialists at personalEYES. Make an online booking now or call us on (02) 8235 8400.

Our Doctors

Dr Kerrie Meades Refractive & Cataract Surgeon MBBS(Hons), FRANZCO See Profile »


Dr Bogna Zborowska Refractive & Cataract Surgeon MBBS(Hons), FRANZCO See Profile »


Dr Chandra Bala Cataract, Corneal & General Ophthalmology BSc(Med)(Hons I), MBBS(Hons I), PhD, FRANZCO See Profile »


Dr Andrew White Glaucoma Specialist BMedSci(Hons), MBBS, PhD, FRANZCO See Profile »


Dr Chris Qureshi Vitreo-Retinal, Medical Retina and Ophthalmic Surgeon BSc(Med), MBBS(UNSW), MMed(OphthSc)(USyd), FRANZCO See Profile »


Dr Freny Kalapesi Oculoplastic & Ophthalmic Surgeon BSc(Med)MBBS PhD, FRANZCO, ANZOPRS, AAFPS See Profile »
