KAMRA™ Inlay

Introducing the presbyopia solution

  • Need your glasses to read this website?
  • Are restaurant menus a blur?
  • Do you hold your arm out to read your mobile phone?
  • Struggle to read the prices in the supermarket?

Presbyopia is the most common eye condition in Australia, and affects many people over the age of 45. The symptoms include difficulty seeing near objects – such as newspapers and websites – while your long distance vision remains fine.

It’s a natural result of aging, as the lens in your eye loses its elasticity—its ability to flex to focus on close objects as well as far away ones.

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Until now, the way to address presbyopia has been reading glasses, monovision, LASIK or contact lenses.

Now, however, there’s a more advanced option for restoring everyday near vision now available in Australia. AcuFocus has invested in over 10 years of research and development into the KAMRA inlay which is a simple, reversible surgical procedure that corrects presbyopia, or the need to wear reading glasses.

What is the KAMRA Inlay?


Smaller than a contact lens, the KAMRA Inlay is a device implanted in the eye to treat presbyopia or reduce the need for reading glasses.

The KAMRA Inlay utilises a principle similar to photography called depth of focus. The benefit of this technology is a broader range of clarity of focus—near, far and in between.

The KAMRA inlay is an opaque circular micro-disc with a small opening (1.6 mm) in the center. It is much smaller than a contact lens and lighter than a grain of salt—the actual size is just 3.8 mm in diameter!

How the KAMRA inlay works

When placed in the cornea, the small opening in the center of the KAMRA inlay blocks unfocused light and only allows focused light to reach the retina. With focused light rays, you can enjoy a wider range of improved vision for all distances near, far and in between. The small-aperture technology is a superior alternative to options that use a multi-focal approach.

Try this experiment…

  • Hold your hand up to one eye and close the other, then roll that hand into a tight fist.
  • Slowly open your fist until there’s a small tunnel of light through the middle.
  • Look through that tunnel at the words on this page. Sharper, aren’t they?
  • Try it with and without your reading glasses, and with and without looking through your tightened fist.
  • That’s the remarkably simple idea behind the KAMRA inlay.

Of course, the KAMRA inlay does not reduce your field of vision as your closed up fist does. In fact, the inlay is able to restore near and intermediate vision while maintaining distance vision. Thousands of tiny perforations along the surface of the inlay help your cornea stay healthy.

The KAMRA inlay benefit

Imagine if everything you looked at close up had the same clarity as your long distance sight. Now, you can imagine what life with the KAMRA inlay could be.

  • Provides natural vision without compromise
  • Restores everyday near vision and reduces the need for reading glasses
  • Revives near and computer vision while maintaining good distance vision
  • Works continuously for constant, long-term near vision rejuvenation
  • A decade of clinical research and development

The KAMRA inlay can also be used in conjunction with LASIK eye surgery. This enables a correction to be made firstly for your distance vision followed by the KAMRA inlay to correct your near vision.

The KAMRA inlay will not be suitable for everyone and a thorough eye examination is required to determine the best treatment option for your eyes. For specific medical details, please contact us.

View/Download Fact Sheet

KAMRA Vision for treating Presbyopia

KAMRA Inlay Under a Flap

KAMRA Inlay Inside a Pocket