
Monovision may be a great option for people over 40 considering laser vision correction.

After the age of forty, we all will begin to lose the ability to focus the lens of our eye. This is a universal problem and not caused by any illness or disease. It is commonly referred to as presbyopia.

Rather than needing reading glasses after the age of approximately 40–45 years, monovision allows both near and distance vision without glasses.

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One eye is treated to give sharp distance vision, and the other has a smaller treatment (or sometimes no treatment at all) and remains focused for near tasks. Because the dominant eye is treated for distance vision, the brain is easily able to compensate for the two different levels of correction.

Using both eyes together the brain mixes the signals from the two eyes, aiming to give comfortable near and distant vision. It is a compromise arrangement, but one that gives the greatest number of years of freedom from glasses.

If you are suitable for monovision laser vision correction, you will enjoy all the benefits of not having to wear glasses.

This will give you freedom to do all the tasks you are normally dependent on glasses for, such as cooking, reading the newspaper, seeing price tags whilst shopping, and applying makeup.

At personalEYES we demonstrate this arrangement to our patients with lenses so that they can choose between having a monovision treatment or full correction of distance vision in both eyes.

Monovision is not for everyone and at personalEYES we strongly advise that people who are commercial pilots, holders of heavy vehicle licences, people who do a lot of night driving or are boat captains do not have monovision vision correction. There are always exceptions so feel free to ask your doctor any further questions you may have in regards to monovision.

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