SUPRACOR is an additional program as part of the LASIK-based procedure which is performed on the Technolas 217P Excimer laser.

The procedure is suitable for treating a wide range of presbyopic patients. It may also be suitable for patients who have previously undergone a LASIK procedure.


This excimer laser is used to precisely reshape the cornea to restore near vision and simultaneously treat hyperopia or myopia, if necessary. The procedure provides excellent distance, intermediate and near vision, whilst maintaining a high quality of vision.

The Benefits

  • Corrects both near and distance vision
  • Uses the well-established LASIK treatment technique
  • Fast visual recovery
  • Convenient & comfortable
  • Personalised treatment
  • Quick return to normal activities
  • Dramatically improved visual freedom
  • Clinically proven*

How does SUPRACOR work?

The treatment involves first creating a thin flap on the surface of the eye with either a femtosecond laser or a microkeratome. This upper layer or flap is then moved to one side to allow the surgeon access to the cornea. Then the surgeon uses the excimer laser to accurately reshape the cornea and treat the presbyopia.

For improved safety, the excimer laser uses the state-of-theart Advanced Control Eyetracking (ACE) technology. Using iris recognition technology, this dynamic tracker continually tracks eye movements, rotation and pupil shift and simultaneously adjusts the laser beam to ensure the laser is accurately delivered during the entire procedure.

At the end of the procedure, the surgeon repositions the flap to its original position. This allows the eye to naturally heal with the new shape.

View or download SUPRACOR Factsheet PDF

PresbyLASIK is a general term designating a lot of different techniques of multifocal corneal remodelling with a LASIK procedure. SUPRACOR’s main difference is how it uniquely combines features for remodelling of the cornea for far, near and intermediate visual acuity. This treatment type is also referred to as Blended Vision, Multi-Focal or Bi-Focal laser.

One of the main strengths of SUPRACOR is in its effectiveness in correcting presbyopia in hyperopic patients. Another very important aspect is that it is not a monovision procedure. Patients have similar vision in both eyes for distance and near, so that binocular vision is not affected.


Dr Jorge Castanera, a clinical investigator in the SUPRACOR CE study said, “Patients are impressed with the quality in near vision, which was the main reason for surgery. Even the first postoperative day most of the patients could read normal print or use the cell phone without glasses. The majority of the patients achieved glasses independence both for distance and near, and so the satisfaction survey showed that all except one patient had their expectations completely fulfilled and they would do surgery again and would recommend it to a relative or a friend.”

As with any treatment the key to a successful outcome is ensuring the assessment process is thorough and is appropriate for your eyes and your lifestyle. At personalEYES we will only recommend the treatment options that are suitable for you. Book your FREE assessment today to find out if SUPRACOR is suitable for you.

* D.R. Pietrini; J. Castanera; J. Chaubard; A. Roure; T.S. Guedj. Clinical Study of Visual Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction With Excimer Procedure for Presbyopia. ASCRS Free Paper, 2011 ^ Subject to suitability—results can vary for each individual.

TECHNOLAS Excimer Workstation 217P

Technolas Perfect Vision TPV has developed an entirely new and innovative corneal approach to treating presbyopia with an excimer laser, known as SUPRACOR.