Glaucoma Treatment: Laser Surgery for Glaucoma

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) is a quick, simple, yet highly effective laser procedure that reduces the intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma.

It is used for the treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma and may be an alternative for those who have been treated unsuccessfully with other types of glaucoma surgery techniques, such as Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty (ALT) or pressure-lowering drops.

SLT is painless and there are no side effects to worry about.

How does glaucoma surgery work?

SLT uses short pulses of low-energy light to target the melanin or pigment in specific cells of the affected eye—leaving untreated portions of the trabecular meshwork unaffected. In response to this glaucoma surgery process, the body’s natural healing mechanisms rebuild these cells which leads to improved drainage and lowered intraocular pressure. SLT can lower the intraocular pressure by an average of 25% in over 75% of patients treated.

What happens during the glaucoma surgery procedure?

Prior to treatment, eye drops are administered to prepare the eye and provide mild anaesthesia. Gentle pulses of light are delivered through a specially designed microscope. The entire glaucoma process takes only a few minutes and when complete you may be treated with anti-inflammatory eye drops.

Can SLT be repeated?

SLT is a gentle, non-thermal and non-invasive procedure and the biggest advantage is that it can be performed multiple times if necessary. In the past repeat treatment of previous approaches in laser therapy were either limited or not possible.

Am I a good candidate for SLT?

Yes, if you:

  • have primary open-angle pseudoexfoliation, or pigmentary glaucoma
  • are intolerant of or have difficulty taking prescribed glaucoma medications
  • are currently undergoing glaucoma drug therapy and wish to combine it with SLT
  • have had failed ALT treatments previously.

For those that do not respond to SLT treatment, other forms of treatment—including traditional drug therapy—can still be very effective.

Selective laser trabeculoplasty was introduced worldwide in 1995, and it gained FDA approval for use in 2001.

Eliminate or reduce your need for glaucoma drops with the new iStent

Micro Invasive Glaucoma Surgery MIGS is a new treatment option available in glaucoma therapy that is a safe and effective way to improve the eye’s natural fluid outflow.

The MIGS procedures are designed to reduce intraocular eye pressure by improving aqueous outflow through the natural physiologic pathway as well as preserving important eye tissue and future treatment options that could help maintain long-term vision.

iStent by Glaukos

istent-logo-smalliStent is the first MIGS device that improves your eye’s natural fluid outflow to safely lower eye pressure by creating a permanent opening in the trabecular meshwork. Proven safe and effective, the iStent Trabecular Micro-Bypass:

  • Is safely implanted during cataract surgery
  • Spares important eye tissue that is often damaged by traditional surgeries
  • Does not limit treatment options that could help maintain your vision in the future

iStent is the smallest medical device ever approved by the FDA. It is placed in your eye during cataract surgery and is so small that you won’t be able to see or feel it after the procedure is over. iStent is designed to create a permanent opening in your trabecular meshwork, and works continuously to improve the outflow of fluid from your eyes to help control eye pressure.

Glaucoma Description

Glaucoma Cause

How Fluid Circulates in the Eye