personalEYES Online Eye Test

Test your visual acuity from the comfort of your couch or office chair with our online eye test. This test could help give you an indication of whether if you suffer from myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) or other eyesight problems that may require corrective glasses or lenses.

Before you start the online eye test, please remove any prescription glasses or lenses. As eyesight can change over time, performing the test without these aids will give you an indication of the accuracy of your current prescription.

How to use the Chart

  • Make sure you’re using a desktop computer (or if you’re using a laptop or tablet, make sure you’ve got really long arms!)
  • Position yourself approximately 1 metre from your computer screen, facing it directly, and cover your left eye.
  • When you click “Start”, you will be shown a line of eight characters. In the field below, type the letters as you see them, without spaces.
  • Once you’ve entered each letter, click “Next”.
  • If you’ve entered all letters correctly, you’ll progress to the next stage of the chart.
  • If you enter one or more letters incorrectly, you’ll be taken through to your results. Oops, was that just a typo? Not to worry. If you feel your mistake was a result of your fingers rather than your eyes, select “Re-Do Test” to go back and try again.
  • Once you’ve reached your result, repeat the process for your right eye.

How Does the Online Eye Test Work?

This interactive eye exam tests out your sight from 20/70 to 20/20 vision. If you successfully reach the end of the test, you'll be directed to the 20/20 (perfect vision) results page.

If you wear glasses or contact lenses, it’s important to test both with and without your corrective lenses. This will give you an idea as to whether your current script is the correct strength for you.

Book a Consultation at a personalEYES Clinic

Although the test is designed to give you an idea of how good your eyesight is, it's important to have an optometrist give you a proper examination every two years. They will be able to give you a more accurate test, in addition to testing for things like glaucoma and cataracts. They'll also be able to discuss treatment options, like laser eye surgery, with you.

Give personalEYES a call today on 1300 68 3937 to book a consultation at any of our locations.

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